Editorial Guidelines ACTA Wrocław-Opole 2022 Congress
We hereby publish a letter by Prof. Tomasz Ciesielski (Polish Commission of Military History) on the Editorial Guidelines concerning the proceedings (Acta) of the 2022 Congress held in Wroclaw and Opole.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Sir and Madam
At the outset, please accept my apologies for the delay in sending the information regarding the post-Congress publication. Unfortunately, due to family and professional matters, I was unable to deal with this matter earlier. In addition, financial and technical matters related to the publication needed clarification. After reviewing them, I am left to conclude that a post-Congress publication will be possible at the beginnig of the Year 2024. I would therefore ask you to submit your texts by the end of May of the Year 2023.
Text please send on e-mail adress: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Yours sincerely
Prof. Tomasz Ciesielski
Polish CMH
Articles must be written in English or French - preferably the one in which the paper was presented at the Congress
The post Congress book must be financed from the so called publics found. For this reason, as a Polish commission, we will only be able to accept for publication scientific or popular science publications that pass the review process.
They must meet the following requirements, with the difference that in the case of a popular science publication from a scientific apparatus, a bibliography is sufficient - i.e., footnotes and comments are not necessary. In addition, it should be made clear in the text of the article (preferred ) that it is of a popular science nature and the most important literature on the subject should be listed
They should comply with the following formatting guidelines:
font: Times New Roman; text - size 12, footnote - 10;
font colour - black;
margins - 2,5 cm;
line spacing 1,5 in main text;
line spacing 1 in footnotes;
text alignment: justified (aligned to the left and right);
character spacing – default;
paragraph indentation – 1,25 cm.
please do not use page numbering
The volume of text for scientific papers should not exceed 12 pages (c.a. 24 000 characters, including spaces)
The submitted text should be accompanied with:
A summary in English or French (c.a. 700 characters including spaces);
A short biographical note on the author including his or her scientific publications [applies to articles];
3 to 5 key words in English and French;
ORCID number (if the author has);
email; in the case of researchers – also the name of the institution they are affiliated with.
An article – in the top left corner: the author’s name and surname, followed with the article’s with the article’s title in English and French, summary in English or French, key words in English, key words in French;
Back matter
References in the submitted articles should be given in the footnotes;
In the footnotes, the name of the quoted source’s translator should also be given;
The footnotes should be numbered continuously, starting from 1;
The abbreviations to be used include: in English: ed., eds., vol., no., etc .; in French: éd., no, etc.
Please write English-language titles in lowercase.
In the footnotes next to foreign-language items, we provide everything in the original language (e.g. ed., Vol., No.), Except for the page "p./pp." and "in:" in the case of citing a chapter in a collective work / edited by.
When an incipit is used instead of a full reference, an ellipsis mark should be used;
The elements of the text of the article:
a) quotations:
sources should be quoted in the original;
ellipses in the quoted text should be marked with an ellipsis mark in square brackets;
quotations should be given in standard font in inverted commas;
b) notation of names, surnames and other words pertaining to persons:
Original notation of the names and surnames in their language should be maintained
The first mentions of persons in the text or in the footnote (not in the reference footnote) should be given in full notation, later only the initials or surname can be used;
Persons used in the reviews should be given without titles;
In scientific reviews, the word „author” should not be written with a capital letter;
c) abbreviations, dates and other time references, numerals
numerals are written using thousands separator, e.g.: 11 111, 22 222,
numerals can be also written using abbreviations, e.g.:2 km,
in the body of text all commonly used abbreviations are acceptable, e.g.: etc., i.e., i.a., e.g., although they should be used consistently throughout the whole text. Less common abbreviations, possibly raising doubts, are to be explained when first used in a footnote or, if necessary, in the body of text;
when writing dates, please use words, in the case of months, e.g. 11 January instead of 11.01 or 11 I. In footnotes, please use Arabic numerals for access dates of online materials; Roman numerals use only in footnotes when written in archival sources;
when different calendars are used, both dates should be given;
when date is given in brackets the date style is as follows: (3rd March 1953);
when day is omitted, the date style is as follows: March 1953;
when only the year or century is given, any notation is possible, e.g.: the 20th c., 1953 or the 20th century, the year 1953;
Charts and tables
charts and tables in the articles should be placed in the body of the text where they are supposed to be printed/published;
a number and a title should be placed above the chart or table, while their source - below (cursive, TNR, size 9 or 10, consistently throughout the whole text);
uniform body of text in the table, description of the charts (axes, fields) should be given in TNR, size 9 or 10, consistently throughout the whole text.
drawings, photographs, tables, photocopies, maps, charts, diagrams and others should be attached in external files and specified where they should be placed in the body of text;
all figures should be accompanied with the name of their author, source, and/or name of the institution they were acquired from;
the description of the figure (number, title, source) should be given in cursive, TNR, size 9 or 10, consistently throughout the whole text.
In the body of text, bold can be used to underline the text;
In the body of text, cursive can be used to underline the titles of publications, foreign terms such means should be used consistently throughout the whole text and should apply to one type of element;
Formatting (e.g. header and footer, or page division) should not be applied in the submitted texts;
Commas, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, semi colons, inverted commas, footnotes numbers, should not be separated by a space from the word preceding them;
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to apply formatting to the submitted text (adjusting).
The articles are reviewed by two reviewers and it is a necessary requirement for the publication to implement all the suggested corrections and changes.
The following bibliographic descriptions should be used in the footnotes:
1. A book reference: name initial and surname, title (cursive), place and year of publication, as in the following example:
J.A. Flynn, Giant of the Grand Siècle: The French Army, 1610-1715, Cambridge 1997, p. 57.
2. An article reference: name initial and surname, article title (cursive), journal title (in double quotation mark), year of publication, volume using Arabic numerals, leaf using Arabic numerals, as in the following example:
M. Kaczka, The Gentry of the Polish-Ottoman Borderlands: the case of the Moldavian-Polish
family of Turkuł/Turculeţ, „Acta Poloniae Historica”, no 104, 2011, p. 132.
3. A reference to a series: name initial and surname, article title (cursive), place and year of publication, name of the series, the number of the volume; in the case of a collective work after the title there should be: “in” and the title of the collective work also in cursive, initial and a surname of the editor, as in the following example:
K. Mikulski, Wymiana elity władzy w Toruniu w drugiej połowie XV wieku (Przyczynek do badań nad mechanizmami kształtowania się elit), in: Elity mieszczańskie i szlacheckie Prus Królewskich i Kujaw w XIV-XVIII w., ed. J. Staszewski, Toruń 1995, p. 51.
4. Texts published in continuous collective works should be treated like scientific articles ( the collective work’s title given in inverted commas);
5. The original titles and document incipits of manuscripts should not be given in cursive;
6. Titles of printed works and documents should be given in cursive, titles of their chapters and fragments (documents) – in inverted commas, putative or commonly used titles - with a capital .
7. Adjustment of spelling of rchive materials and manuscripts should be conducted according to the publication instructions appropriate for your country:
8. Descriptions of the old printed documents should not be modernized, and should be given in a short version.
9. References given in Cyrillic will be published according to their original notation in Cyrillic, although the place of publication (e.g. Moscow) and page (p.) should be given in English.
Please use the full bibliography record (we do not use abbreviations such as ibidem, idem, eadem, op. Cit.).
The bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order and divided into sections:
Archival Sources / Archival Sources
Printed Sources
Literatura / Literature
The method of preparing a bibliographic item:
Surname and first name of the author,
Title of the publication (in italics),
Place and year of publication,
Example: Flynn John A., Giant of the Grand Siècle: The French Army, 1610-1715, Cambridge 1997.
Edited monographs
Publication title (in italics)
/ ed. / eds. / Hrsg. - original notation in other foreign-language publications
Initial and surname in the nominative case
Place and year of publication.
Example: Guta saga, eds. A. Faulkens, R. Perkins, London 1999.
Article in a monograph
Surname and first name of the author,
Title of the publication (in italics),
Publication title (in italics)
Editors of the volume (red. Initial of the name and surname in the nominative),
Place and year of publication,
Page range (pp. X-XY).
Mikulski Krzysztof, Wymiana elity władzy w Toruniu w drugiej połowie XV wieku (Przyczynek do badań nad mechanizmami kształtowania się elit), in: Elity mieszczańskie i szlacheckie Prus Królewskich i Kujaw w XIV-XVIII w., ed. J. Staszewski, Toruń 1995, pp. 51-91.
Journal article
Surname and first name of the author,
Article title (in italics)
Journal title (in quotation marks),
The year of publishment,
Sequential issue number (number, notebook),
Page range (p. X-XY).
Kaczka Mateusz, The Gentry of the Polish-Ottoman Borderlands: the case of the Moldavian-Polish family of Turkuł/Turculeţ, „Acta Poloniae Historica”, no 104, 2011, pp. 129-150.
Archival sources
The names of archives, libraries, collections (collections) and the titles of documents in the bibliography and footnotes should be provided in the original language
full name of the archive,
name of the archival team (in italics),
reference number of the archival unit (reference number XX).
Example: Archiwum Akt Nowych w Warszawie, Kancelaria Naczelnika Państwa, sig. 36.
National Archive London, State Paper, Poland, sig. 88/16.
Daily press
surname and first name of the author,
article title (in italics),
journal title (in quotation marks),
release date
Web page
Texts posted on the internet are cited just like magazine articles or books. The bibliographic description should include the link and the date of access in square brackets:
surname and first name of the author (jeśli występuje)
title in italics
access date in square brackets
Detailed comments:
Bibliographic items written in Cyrillic alphabet should have a transliterated variant in accordance with PN-ISO 9: 2000. Transliteration can be done automatically at http://www.translitteration.com/transliteration/en/russian/iso-9/. After transliterated notation, put Cyrillic characters in square brackets.
Please do not use automatic numbering in the attachment bibliography.