Updates concerning the ICMH Congress in Istanbul

These are the message from the ICMH Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Kris Quanten, and the official statement of the ICMH President, Prof. Dr. Massimo de Leonardis, approved by the Full Board on the Cyprus-issue.


Dear Colleagues,

Over the last few days, there has been an extensive discussion within the Full Board about the measures to be taken in response to the Cyprus-issue. Based on those discussions, a number of proposals were formulated on which the members voted on Monday 14 August. Given the urgency, as well as to clarify the situation, I would like to inform you about the actions retained by the Full Board :

  1. The Congress will go ahead as planned.
  2. The Full Board condemns the violations of the ICMH Statutes occurred on the occasion of the organization of the Congress in Istanbul by the Turkish Commission of Military History and expresses its solidarity to the Commission of Military History of the Republic of Cyprus. A more detailed official statement will be published on the ICMH website, circulated within the ICMH community and read by the President at the Congress. The President’s speech could also include a statement by the Commission of Military History of the Republic of Cyprus, if it is willing to do so. The statement should not include any political reference to the issue of Cyprus.
  3. In Istanbul there will be no customary exchange of medals or gifts, which would be inappropriate. The members of the Full Board are also invited to express our deep dissatisfaction in conversations with the Turkish organizers.

Other actions were proposed but not approved. 

The President will address another letter to the various National Commissions in the next few days to inform them in more detail.

If any National Commission has further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the President or the Secretary-General directly.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Kris QUANTEN
Colonel GS
Secretary-General of the International Commission of Military History