Newsletter 42 is now available

Please find attached the International Commission of Military History Newsletter #42, December 2024. The intent of the ICMH Newsletter is to provide a regular and tangible means of communications between all components of the International Commission of Military History -- the leadership and Executive Board, the Full Board, the three specialized committees, national commissions, and individual military historians. This digital platform will permit us to transcend distance and language barriers, to enhance the continued relevance and viability of the International Commission of Military History, to further engender worldwide the spirit of military history professionalism and cooperation, and the sharing of best practices.

Newsletter #42 includes an insightful message from the President, and in addition, an important overview of the 2025 ICMH Congress that the Senegalese Commission will host from 31 August-5 September 2025 in fascinating and historic Dakar. Moreover, worthwhile news on ICMH scholarly awards and reports from two of the specialized committees and many of the national commissions are also included. We would like to please receive updates from even more national commissions in the future