International Journal of Military History and Historiography, Now Three Issues per Year/Volume

The flagship publication of the International Commission of Military History (ICMH), the International Journal of Military History and Historiography (IJMH), is moving this year from two to three issues per volume. Since the IJMH was transformed into an academic journal that features, in addition to book reviews and historiographical articles, also original research articles, it has encountered increasing success. Under the leadership of its editor-in-chief, Professor Marco Wyss, and its associate and book reviews editor, Colonel Professor Winfried Heinemann, it has evolved into one of the leading journals in military history.

Read more: International Journal of Military History and Historiography, Now Three Issues per Year/Volume


XLVIII Congress of the ICMH in Istanbul (3 - 8 September 2023)

We have the pleasure of informing you that the website of the XLVIII Congress of the ICMH in Istanbul (3 - 8 September 2023) is now online. For all practical information, we invite you to visit the following web page: Don’t hesitate to register as soon as possible! We would like to congratulate the Turkish Commission for the tremendous efforts they have made in these difficult circumstances. 

Read more: XLVIII Congress of the ICMH in Istanbul (3 - 8 September 2023)