Photos from the ICMH Congress in Istanbul

The Turkish Commission of Military History would like to inform you that it has updated the website of the 2023 Congress with some pictures from the Congress itself, the city tour and the post-congress tour. Check it out at the following address: 

Acta of the ICMH-CHIR joint panel at the XXIII ICHS Congress

On the occasion of the quinquennial Congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences held in Poznań on 21st-27th August 2022, the International Commission of Military History and the Commission of History of International Relations, as Affiliated Commissions, organized a Joint Panel including three speakers from each Commission. The Italian journal "Quaderni di Scienze Politiche" has recently published the introduction by Massimo de Leonardis and two of the three papers of the ICMH’s scholars (Davide Borsani and Mario Christian Ortner) since it proved impossible to have the third text.

Read more: Acta of the ICMH-CHIR joint panel at the XXIII ICHS Congress


Family Photo from the ICMH 2023 Congress in İstanbul

Click below on "Read More" to see the Family Photo taken on the first day of the ICMH Congress in İstanbul.

Read more: Family Photo from the ICMH 2023 Congress in İstanbul


Updates concerning the ICMH Congress in Istanbul

These are the message from the ICMH Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Kris Quanten, and the official statement of the ICMH President, Prof. Dr. Massimo de Leonardis, approved by the Full Board on the Cyprus-issue.

Read more: Updates concerning the ICMH Congress in Istanbul