ICMH Fellowship 2021, book result
The ICMH Fellowship for Research Projects on Military History was established in 2021 for the purpose of helping a selected post-doctoral young scholar finance projects of research in Military History, focusing on “the history of warfare, of military campaigns, of the armed forces, of military thought and philosophy, diplomatic aspects of conflicts, causes and effects of wars, defence economics, civil-military relations, military technology, military leadership, and demographics of military forces. A preferential element in the selection is the use of archival sources.”
Read more: ICMH Fellowship 2021, book result
The ICMH President appointed by the Italian Ministry of Culture
The President of ICMH, Prof. Massimo de Leonardis, has been appointed by the Italian Ministry of Culture, member of the “Giunta storica nazionale” (National Board for the Historical Studies). The “Giunta” supervises a number of specialized institutes and proposes to the Minister their Directors.
The XLIX International Congress of Military History in Portugal
On behalf of the International Commission of Military History and the Portuguese Commission of Military History, we would like to officially invite you to attend and participate in “The XLIX International Congress of Military History” on September 1-6, 2024, in Lisbon, Portugal.
Read more: The XLIX International Congress of Military History in Portugal
ICHS Newsletter, 8, 2023
The newsletter published by the International Committee of Historical Sciences last December is now available to be downloaded. Please, click on "Read more".
Read more: ICHS Newsletter, 8, 2023