ICMH Congress 2018, Call for Papers, PhD Panel
Like in previous years, the Educational Committee of the International Commission of Military History invites PhD. students to take part in a workshop for young scholars who are still working on or have just finished their PhD thesis on a topic related to "The Creation of New States and Collapse of Old Empires in the XXth Century“. The purpose of the workshop is to give young scholars the opportunity of discussing their projects with young as well as experienced colleagues from over 40 Countries.
Read more: ICMH Congress 2018, Call for Papers, PhD Panel
André Corvisier Prize 2018 for PhD Theses
The International Commission of Military History awards the André Corvisier Prize for PhD theses on Military History, named after the distinguished French scholar who was for ten years President of ICMH and then President of Honour. For the 2018 edition, the prize will be awarded for a PhD thesis discussed and approved in 2017 in a recognized University.
Read more: André Corvisier Prize 2018 for PhD Theses
New issue of the ICMH Newsletter, December 2017
With the issue 28 of the Newsletter, we want to keep you informed about the activities of the ICMH community. Last September, we had our 43th International Congress on Military History in Douala, Cameroon, which was a very interesting experience. In this issue you can read the reports about the academic presentations, the cultural program and the post-congress tour. Besides that, we also want to keep you informed about our future activities. Finally, we would like to wish you and your loved ones happy holidays and a wonderful 2018.
Read more: New issue of the ICMH Newsletter, December 2017
Prof. Minchev as Honorary Member of the Board
Prof. Col. Dimitar Minchev has been for more than 20 years President of the Bulgarian Commission of Military History, which under his leadership has obtained an excellent standing within its country’s institutions at the highest level. Moreover Prof. Minchev had the leading role in organizing three Congresses of the International Commission of Military History: in Sofia in 2012, in Varna in 2014 and in Plovdiv in 2016.
Read more: Prof. Minchev as Honorary Member of the Board